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4 Easy Tips to care for your bunny:

Summer is here! Make sure you keep your bunny cool from the heat with shade, air flow, frozen water bottles, or an inside facility!







 Caring for your pet:

Make sure your bunny has enough room to hop around in, the average bunny cage should be about  8ft long. If you are using a smaller cage, let your bunnies run around for exercise, this is what I do with my rabbitry.  Protection from the weather like a roof is needed as well.

Food and water regularly.


Bunnies have many different signs to tell you how they feel.

Grinding of teeth: Happy, content, or maybe stress if hard grinding

Thumping of back feet: upset, annoyed

Nibbling: Its natural! Bunnies nibble to get use to their new surroundings! Make a high pitched noise to tell them no!

Tip Toe: Unsure of their new surroundings.

Crazy jump called The Binky: Extremely excited about whatever is going on.

Grunt: Not happy "I'm about to bite you" ... Step back.

Chewing of your hair: Either your bunny is hungry or trying to bond with you.



Accidental Pregnancy:

Its important to know your bunnies gender! Males should never be together! As they mature they become aggressive and may attack one another. Bucks and does will always breed when in the same cage! If you come across your doe and a litter of new kits, here is how to take care of them before you give them away to new homes:


1.) Mom pretty much has it taken care of untill Week 3. If they are not getting fed properly, put some jelly or honey on your finger and give it to the babies. This will keep them hydrated until mom feeds them again- She will only feed them once or twice a day.


2.) Week 3 is the most exciting- eyes and ears are opening for the first time! Make sure you change the bedding because some kits could get nest box eye from the bacteria in their pee and poo. If one happens to get an eye infection- make sure the eye is clean and put some medicated eye drops in the eye and keep it drained.


3.) At 5 weeks the babies will start eating normal food.You are now free to sell or give away your precious litter.


4.) Seperate your male while your female is nesting. Males could eat or harm her defenseless litter.

Females also have a tendency to eat their young. Place a piece of raw or cooked bacon upon her nesting date~ the 29th day or the day of is usually when they will start to nest.


Loving your new pet:


Bunnies are very friendly when they are loved for by their owners. Play and pet your bunny everyday and you are guareenteed no bites or scratches from your rabbit.




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